Climate change is the biggest challenge of our times. To reach the ambitious goals set by the Paris Agreement and the European Green Deal, a radical transformation of the EU’s economy is urgent. Civil society and industries in Europe are confronted with the unprecedented challenge to address the ‘great transformation’ to a carbon neutral economy and actively make it happen in an extremely short window of time.
To reach the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050 requires immediate actions going beyond the level of fostering innovation and digitalisation in societal niches. In fact, it calls for an innovation path which sets out to ‘design’ carbon neutral societal systems and focusing investments in zero-carbon solutions as indicated in the “Final Report of the High-Level Panel of the European Decarbonisation Pathways Initiative”.

TRANSFORMER takes up this challenge by applying the Transition Super-Lab (TSL) approach. The TRANSFORMER Knowledge Hub is designed to provide practical guidance at regional level steering the transition towards climate neutrality that regions face. It provides tools, methodologies and good practices developed and/or used during the TRANSFORMER project and where possible and applicable, the Knowledge Hub provides practical examples from TRANSFORMER TSLs.
The TRANSFORMER Knowledge Hub provides valuable material that regions can use to achieve a successful transition towards climate neutrality and harness its positive impacts. It represents the results of the TRANSFORMER project, which were co-created by researchers and practitioners in the TRANSFORMER Transition Super-Labs.