SWOT analysis for purposefulness, feasibility, sustainability and risk aspects.  

As soon as the different transition scenarios are co-identified, the methodology of SWOT analysis can be used as a proxy for identifying purposefulness, feasibility, sustainability and risks aspects of each scenario. This methodology was implemented successfully, through dedicated questions to stakeholders in the TSL of Western Macedonia resulting in SWOT-like schemes that provide a clear image of enablers and barriers of each scenario helping TSLs to select the most suitable scenarios and pathways (Activity 4.2 of TRANSFORMER Roadmap). The suggested methodology contributes to the finalization of the use cases using a bottom-up approach and the development of high-quality and complete feasibility studies in the next steps.

SWOT analysis as a proxy for purposefulness, feasibility, sustainability and risks aspects
SWOT analysis as a proxy for purposefulness, feasibility, sustainability and risks aspects, Source: own design
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