Quantitative Regional Assessment Framework for Transition Super-Labs (QRAFT)

The “Quantitative Regional Assessment Framework for Transition Super-Labs (QRAFT)” compares regional transition needs (Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per capita development and the carbon emissions intensity (CEI) of economic sectors between EU regions) and regional transition potentials from a TSL perspective (by recurring to existing Composite Indices (CI)). This framework supports a region in conducting the first steps in the TSL process of identifying the regional challenge and possible topics for transition and developing a vision for transformation (Activity 1.2 in TRANSFORMER Roadmap).

QRAFT is designed to function as a tool for gaining a data-driven understanding of the importance of different possible TSL vision topics within a region for stakeholders with limited knowledge about their region. It also enables knowledgeable stakeholders to question existing narratives about their region if necessary. The insights generated through the QRAFT methodology can also feed into later steps of the TSL process (i.e., developing pathways and scenarios for transformation, developing feasible solutions and contributing to assessment processes). For more information about QRAFT please download D2.2 Quantitative mapping research report

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