Summary of data collection on TSL predecessors

This document was developed in TRANSFORMER project and includes a database of projects and structures that may be seen as precursors of Transition Super Labs. To this regard, over 70 projects that have certain characteristics of a TSL or are of interest to the TRANSFORMER project with regard to their methodological approach were collected in a database. Seven of these TSL predecessors were selected and evaluated.

The cases were selected, because they all chose a portfolio approach that aims at large-scale systemic solutions for a sustainable transformation and they all applied—at least some of the—methodologies that characterize a TSL. They vary in their geographic scale (city, region and whole country) and their thematic focus, but they all provide valuable insights with regard to the identified methodological challenges of implementing TSLs. This document can help TSLs in identifying innovative solutions (Activity 8.1 of TRANSFORMER Roadmap).

For more information please download D2.1 Summary of data collection on TSL predecessors.

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